We bring your perfect window clings to speak out loud on safety measures and precautionary guidelines to be followed on the COIVD-19 outbreak. The Maintain Safe Distance Window Clings aid in guiding and informing your visitors, guests, employees, and clients about the guidelines and advisory being issued by the health department and the government as well on practicing social distancing at the outdoors or even at the workplace. Being opaque in view, these window clings maintain your privacy of the inside view from the outdoors and thus keep onlookers aside from unwanted views or peeping. Thus, your message gets delivered perfectly to the desired audience about the vitality of keeping social distance even after lockdown gets over. Made from clear cling and white vinyl material and finest printing technique, turn out the longevity, high-quality performance, and durability of the window clings. They stay protected from climatic woes – be it a hot sunny day or heavy rains, the custom window clings remain intact.